3D Animation: How a Henry Lever Action Rifle in .22lr works 3DGunner 0:57 3 years ago 137 040 Далее Скачать
Erma LA-22 - 22 Caliber Luger Clone - Demonstration and Teardown Pilotgeek 3:33 4 years ago 28 929 Далее Скачать
How a Luger P08 ( Parabellum pistole 1908 ) works Weapon mechanics 1:54 5 years ago 122 141 Далее Скачать
Firing ERMA EL24 .22 LR Kar 98k Conversion at 200 meters Arms Journal 1:49 1 year ago 13 531 Далее Скачать
How a Ruger Mk III Works | The Most Accepted and Successful .22 Caliber Semi-automatic Pistol The Most 1:28 1 year ago 227 225 Далее Скачать
Erma Werke EM122 German M1 carbine training rifle Walnut and Steel 9:44 3 years ago 27 667 Далее Скачать
Firearm Demonstration: Bergmann Submachine Gun Royal Armouries 1:15 9 years ago 307 747 Далее Скачать
Erma EMP: Heinrich Vollmer's Interwar Submachine Gun Forgotten Weapons 12:20 4 years ago 176 657 Далее Скачать
Swedish Submachine Gun (SMG) | Carl Gustaf M/45 | How It Works The Most 0:30 1 year ago 706 494 Далее Скачать